Helpful Links

Helpful Links, Applications and Forms

Captain’s School Key West Online Course site:

Application Forms:

IMPORTANT! The Process Has Changed! We no longer email packets to REC Centers!

ALL  Merchant Mariner Credential applications, submit directly to NMC by clicking the below button.  Please send any documents in Adobe PDF format only, and include your Last Name, First Name, Mariner Reference Number (or last digits of your SSN)  in the subject line of your e-mail.

 Submit to NMC

Video on how to fill out all forms in application and send in packet!!  (This is presently not reflecting recent change in email address to send packet to (see above).


Application:   CG_719B Application

Medical:    CG_719K Physical

Drug Testing:   CG_719P Drug

Sea Service:   CG_719S Sea Service

Convictions:   CG_719C Conviction

Application Checklist:  Application Checklist


Electronic Filings NMC Instructions Page: 


USCG NMC Application To Do List

  1. Complete the course. Put diplomas in application packet.
  2. Complete a USCG Approved CPR/1st Aid/AED in person course. We normally have one the week after OUPV class. Add diploma to packet. Diploma must be dated within 1 yr.
  3. Get your Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)To make appointment:  TWIC office located at the DoubleTree Hotel at 3990 S. Roosevelt by appointment only. they come twice a month.
  1. Get a physical filled out on form – CG_719K Physical. All forms can be found at top of this page.   We suggest Key West Family Medical 1446 Kennedy Drive, Key West, 305-294-8900
  2. Email completed medical forms to  w/ mariner’s full name and reference # in the subject.
  3. Compete a drug screen on form – CG_719P Drug.  You may also use a drug consortium letter dated within 180 days. We suggest KW Family Medical listed above.   We are also a drug consortium.
  4. Fill out sea service form –CG_719S Sea Service. watch video listed above for how and what documents to provide.
  5. Fill out application for license on form- CG_719B Application.
  6. If you answer yes to anything in section Section III (2) (Convictions and Drug Use), please fill out form – CG_719C Conviction.
  7. Complete pay the government   Coast Guard Application Fee Form  Then click blue “continue to the form’ button.  Fill out form with your information. If you are in the Florida, you will choose Miami as your Regional exam center.
    The next part can be confusing. Your total fees should be $145.
    $100 for original officer endorsement,
    $0 for Course in Lieu of exam and
    $45 for MMC Issuance Fee.
     Very Important!!! Email receipt to yourself, print and add to application packet! Below is exactly  how you want to fill out the bottom part of the  form for 1st time captains:


10.  ALL Merchant Mariner Credential applications, submit all your forms (except the physical but do include the drug screen) and supporting documentation directly to NMC at:  Keep the pdf to under 15 MB in size. 

Email completed medical (just the physical) form to:  w/ mariner’s full name and reference # in the subject.

Check your application status at National Maritime Center

Captain Shool Key West
1107 Truman Avenue,    Key West, FL 33040


We are mentoring the modern mariner!